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TOP > Big Babies And Their Mommies (Vol 2) - Diaper Version【電子書籍】[ Colin Milton ]

Big Babies And Their Mommies (Vol 2) - Diaper Version【電子書籍】[ Colin Milton ]

<p>AB Discovery is pleased to be offering the short stories and novella of long-time ABDL author, Colin Milton.</p> <p>In this ABDL book you will find four stories, completely reworked and re-edited and available in the second in the series of Big Babies and their Mommies.</p> <p>Colin Milton brings us four wonderful short stories about being an adult baby, usually in a relationship with a Mommy or an aunty. You will thoroughly enjoy your time in Colin's world of babies and mommies - a world YOU may want for yourself!</p> <p>You will read wonderful accounts of a man succumbing to his wife to become her baby. You will enjoy devouring the secret lives of men and women hidden from public view where the man is a nappied/diapered baby, still bottle fed or more.</p> <p>THIS VOLUME CONTAINS:</p> <p>Training Mark<br /> Kidnappied<br /> In His Place<br /> It Pays to Dominate</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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